Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekend in Maine

We went up to Maine this weekend to put the boat in...but due to the rain Brynnie will get to take her first ride on the lake another time. She did get a lot of inside time practicing standing up and also holding her toys over her head, which is her new favorite thing to do...we call her Muscles Marinara (an ode to The Sopranos).

We also had lunch with Popop (she was a little scared of the hyper dogs!), and came home with a new toy. You can see how much she likes it in the last picture.

Muscles Marinara

Standing first thing in the morning

Oh my god look at these dogs!

I love being taller than daddy

I really love new toys that I can push!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Red Sox game #2

Brynnie got her dad Red Sox tickets for yesterday's game as a Father's Day gift.

The game was a bust but we had a good time. Once again, Brynn enjoyed being in a crowd...she was a hit with everyone sitting around us. The terrible score must have bored her into sleepiness because she was passed out before we even got to the car.

P.S. Brynn's 5th tooth broke through...and we can see that the 6th is on its way.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


We finally had a quiet Brynnie got to spend a lot of time at home. And she did a lot of playing.

A shout out to her Aunt Bethie for the new cool toy! As you can see, it's a hit.

Happy with my new activity walker (I'm not using it as a walker yet though).

Mommy says I'm not supposed to pull all of the fur out of this book...but that's all I want to do with it!

This is how my parents figured out I can pull myself up to the coffee table.

I get parched from all the moving around I do all day...

Crawling into my kitchen.

Super fun!

Wiped out on Sunday morning from a full day of activity yesterday.
P.S. Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Red Sox Kid Nation

Brynn is a member of Kid Nation...and went to her first Sox game last weekend. In the heat wave.

It was sweltering hot but Brynnie was extremely well behaved. There was so much to look at so we weren't surprised that she loved it.

By the time we left she was only wearing her Big Papi onesie though - it was REALLY hot!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Here are a few last pictures from our vacation in Miami. We all had so much fun...wish we were still there!

When we returned home Brynn had her 9 month doctor appointment. She's our growing little (and I use that word loosely) girl. She's off the charts for height (29-3/4") and head size and is in the 75th percentile for weight (20.5 lbs). She even looks bigger these days! And her facial features seem to be changing...she's losing the baby face and looking more and more like a little girl.

Amazing how fast it all happens....... She is now pulling herself up on her feet and dancing when she hears music. She laughs all the time and crawls around like a little speed demon. She's curious about everything; within a few minutes of being home, she will have every basket pulled down and all of her toys thrown across the room and still be looking for more to pull down.

Max & Brynn helping us pack???

Max & Brynn playing footsie as we wait for our luggage at Logan.