When we returned home Brynn had her 9 month doctor appointment. She's our growing little (and I use that word loosely) girl. She's off the charts for height (29-3/4") and head size and is in the 75th percentile for weight (20.5 lbs). She even looks bigger these days! And her facial features seem to be changing...she's losing the baby face and looking more and more like a little girl.
Amazing how fast it all happens....... She is now pulling herself up on her feet and dancing when she hears music. She laughs all the time and crawls around like a little speed demon. She's curious about everything; within a few minutes of being home, she will have every basket pulled down and all of her toys thrown across the room and still be looking for more to pull down.
Max & Brynn helping us pack???
Max & Brynn playing footsie as we wait for our luggage at Logan.
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