Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Testing the picnic table

Brynnie now has a table to eat at outside. Today was a "sick day" from school...she had a fever yesterday at the end of her day and thankfully had no fever today...but she still had to stay at home today.
Perfect opportunity to try out the picnic table that Mark and Clay put together yesterday! She loved it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mother's Day

For Mother's Day we took an afternoon trip into the city.
We wandered around our old neighborhood and realized how happy we were to have done city living before we had a child! The 'burbs are much easier when you have a toddler full of energy!!

Trying bags at mumma's old favorite shop.

Eating frozen yogurt at mumma + daddy's favorite place.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Weekend at the Caughlan's

Brynn spent last weekend in NJ, visiting Jayne and Andrew. We had a great the fun park near there house.

Brynnie was scared of the merry-go-round, she wouldn't sit on the horse by herself (she doesn't like any animals - real or fake) so instead we stood as we went around and around. She did have fun at the playground there though!

Book time.

Andrew didn't mind the horse.