We've spent a lot of time at the beach in addition to doing a road trip to Key Largo. There we went to a water park which Brynn loved both due to the fun water toys and watching the big kids splash around.
Brynnie pulled herself all the way up to her feet for the first time today. She is really working hard while the rest of us are relaxing on vacation! She also has a favorite way of expressing herself: growling. We fondly call her the monster and when you ask her to growl, she promptly responds with a "groarrrrrr."
Brynnie the monster "GROARRRRR"
Such a big girl sitting up like that.
Mermaid at the water park.
Funnyface playing in the sand.
Being tossed up in the ocean is FUN!
I can pull myself up to a standing position now. Did you know mermaids could do that?
I love it when mommy, daddy, Katie, and Steve get drinks at the beach because I get to eat the pineapple garnish. Yummy.