Monday, April 28, 2008


Brynn now has 3 teeth (2 on the bottom, 1 on the top). She didn't need teeth for this feeding ring but we gave it to her for the first time today with apple in it.
At first she looked at it, put all different parts in her mouth and then finally figured out that she could get some food out of the mesh. She liked it!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

March For Babies

Today we joined our friends Stephanie & Libby and Tracy & Tyler at the March of Dimes walk...March for Babies, raising money for premature babies.

After a week of beautiful weather, today was the first raw day. Walking along the Charles made it even more chilly but the babies were all bundled up (not for pictures though!). Brynn was the only baby in our threesome that didn't nap - she would have missed out on too much people watching!

Fast forward 100 years...

Brynn looks like a little old lady in this hat!
So cute though...and it shades her from the sun (the most important part of it all). We did some shopping and hanging out in Back Bay last weekend on a gorgeous Spring day.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Tulip Festival

While in Oregon we went to a Tulip was beautiful!

Trip to the Pacific Northwest

We took Brynnie out to Portland, Oregon to meet her relatives out there. She met a lot of people: her great-grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousins, great-aunt, great-uncle, and second cousins.

Brynn is racking up those frequent flier miles...all before she turns 8 months (she will be 8 months old this week). Her second tooth is coming in, she is eating more and more solids, easily feeding herself finger foods, and chatting up a storm.

Here are a few pictures from our trip out west.

Another playdate

Last weekend Brynn met Nicholas and Cameron Fullerton, her 2nd cousins.
Nick and Cam are 6 weeks older than Brynnie....they seemed to have fun. Especially when put on the couch to show off their Red Sox hats together.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fidelity playdate

The Media & Advertising Department at Fidelity in 2031??

Left to right: Kasey (19 mos), Addison (10 mos), Hannah (10 mos), Brynn (7 mos), and Grace (3 mos)

5 girls born into Carrie's department at their most recent playdate. This time there was much more interaction...and by interaction I mean playing, taking toys, sharing sippy cups, and observing each other...between the girls as they are all getting older and more social.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Cousin Time

Brynnie spent a lot of quality time with her big cousin Zion last week. They did a lot of the car, at the circus, getting their photographs taken at the portrait studio, etc.
ZZ loves his little Brynnie and he is a great big cousin to her!

Brynn got up on all fours for the first time on Friday...and she started rocking back and forth...and we caught it on camera. A big step! But she's not mobile yet!!